Slight addiction is happening at the moment. Addicted to his writing. Can't seem to get enough of it. The wit, humour and social commentary is awe inspiring.

I'd already had a taste of it, but it didn't really grab me like it has now. To the point where I finish one book, that same day another is purchased. And I'm not reading them slow or anything. Becoming one slightly expensive habit. Fortunately, he doesn't have that many books.

Talking about Ben Elton. Dead Famous is hilarious and one of the best whodunits out there! And it mixed my two loves; Big Brother and a mystery thriller. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it.

... has got me wanting more

1 Comment:

  1. ~shan said...
    i totaly agree!
    ben elton is one of the reasons i had to renew my library card. buying books isnt easy when you read them faster than you earn enough to buy them

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